ATALIAN offer complete solutions for you large projects like relocations, fit-out works and major refurbishment projects.
One point of contact with experience and competency for long, long time.
Our day to day experience was extended to complete the main objectives of our Clients: Quality, Time, Budget, Scope with:
Extended guartanty;
We set up our standars according to International Facility Management Association – Planning & Project Management Standards, and we are proud to offer our clients with an extensive range of services.
A professional and dedicated team will structure and perform the entire process with careful focus on every detail.
I. Concept design & layout
II. Premises evaluation with client collaboration
Authorization/Licenses check
Check on existing services capacity vs. client’s needs
Layout space – furniture vs. layout draft
Electrical power
Predicted power requirements
Building capacity
Distribution vs layout
Emergency Power
Air conditioning system
Predicted cooling / heating requirements
IT rooms
Support Areas
Other areas (technical areas)
Distribution vs layout
Health (toilets – local requirements)
Fire Brigades requirements
Security / Fire Alarm System
Tenant Improvement Budget Definition
III. Project management and implementation
Project execution
Execution reports
Site inspections
Financial report
IV. Extended guaranty and long-term relationship for any changes
During the process of a new development or refurbishment, a specvialized team will provide consultancy services from the operational point of view.
The monitoring process covers all the phases: planning, execution, testing, delivery and guarantees.
Our holistic approach of processes and evolution means that we:
Integrate each project into the building
Plan energy saving and low consumption
Respect Health, Safety, Security conditions
Design a green and harmless atmosphere
Control quality and EPD products
Manage the Hand Over for space
Keep the Relationship with building designers and landlords
The hassle associated with any kind of construction project can turn into a structured and controlled activity, once you delegate us to supervise the works and maintain the relationship with contractors. Our experience in the field will ensure an efficient mitigation of conflicts between contractors, while at the same time provide you detailed reports of the process.
Through a specialized team we provide professional surveys for:
Operational mode of the property
Cost evaluation of the services
Testing the technical equipment
Due diligence procedures
Support and implementation for LEED / BREEAM audit for the existing building
Support and implementation for LEED / BREEAM assessments
Building life cycle cost analysis
Renewable technologies feasibility studies
Dynamic thermal modeling / simulation